On a personal note...
I have been married to Robbie, my best friend, since 2004.
I have two children. My stepson, David, and my son, Drey, who is in heaven.
In addition to being a wife, mom, leader and suicide postvention consultant and trainer, I also enjoy reading, learning new things, volunteering at my church and spending time with friends.
I am an achiever
I am a learner
I am responsible
I am an advocate
I am a truth teller
I believe...
We are all born with a need to be known, accepted, significant and loved.
Everyone lives with a "you're not ____ enough" voice in our minds. This is fear.
When we are honest with others about our fears we can experience connection and freedom.
When we live with integrity, transparency and honesty it encourages others to feel safe to be themselves - to be truly known.
Selflessly caring for others is the ultimate humbling buzz.
Joy and pain can coexist.
Suffering is an opportunity to strengthen our faith. Whether that faith is in ourselves, God or something else is up to us.
Listening is more important than speaking.
Everyone has a lot to learn.
Robbie Graham
As a former executive with Cheryl's Cookies I led all customer-facing strategy teams including Ecommerce, Direct Mail, Retail Store and B2B Sales channels. As a former leader with Victoria's Secret I led the team responsible for email and catalog marketing campaigns with a focus on maximizing marketing spend and campaign objectives. I also completed the Institute of Management Excellence program and taught Leadership classes to other leaders.
I entered the non-profit world in 2012 then after the sudden death of my son I launched a non-profit organization - Franklin County Local Outreach to Suicide Survivors dba: LOSS Community Services. LOSS exists to be an instillation of hope to the bereaved by suicide. I now develop and implement suicide postvention programs locally and at a state level throughout the country.
Certified in Death and Grief Studies through the Center for Loss and Life Transition 2018
Certified in AFSP's, The Link, and Dr. Alan Wolfelt's models of Suicide Loss Survivor Support group facilitation
Certified by NAMI New Hampshire Connect to conduct 2-day trainings equipping suicide loss survivors on how to share their story 2018
QPR (Question Persuade Refer) trainer 2017
CALM (Conversations on Access to Lethal Means) trainer 2015
Psychological First Aid 2014|2022