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On a personal note...


I have been married to Robbie, my best friend, since 2004. 

I have two children. My stepson, David, and my son, Drey, who is in heaven. 


In addition to being a wife, mom, leader and suicide postvention consultant and trainer, I also enjoy reading, learning new things, volunteering at my church and spending time with friends.


  • I am an achiever

  • I am a learner

  • I am responsible

  • I am an advocate

  • I am a truth teller


  I believe...

  • We are all born with a need to be known, accepted, significant and loved.

  • Everyone lives with a "you're not ____ enough" voice in our minds. This is fear.

  • When we are honest with others about our fears we can experience connection and freedom.

  • When we live with integrity, transparency and honesty it encourages others to feel safe to be themselves - to be truly known.

  • Selflessly caring for others is the ultimate humbling buzz.

  • Joy and pain can coexist.

  • Suffering is an opportunity to strengthen our faith. Whether that faith is in ourselves, God or something else is up to us.

  • Listening is more important than speaking.

  • Everyone has a lot to learn.



Robbie Graham

As a former executive with Cheryl's Cookies I led all customer-facing strategy teams including Ecommerce, Direct Mail, Retail Store and B2B Sales channels. As a former leader with Victoria's Secret I led the team responsible for email and catalog marketing campaigns with a focus on maximizing marketing spend and campaign objectives. I also completed the Institute of Management Excellence program and taught Leadership classes to other leaders.


I entered the non-profit world in 2012 then after the sudden death of my son I launched a non-profit organization - Franklin County Local Outreach to Suicide Survivors dba: LOSS Community Services. LOSS exists to be an instillation of hope to the bereaved by suicide. I now develop and implement suicide postvention programs locally and at a state level throughout the country.



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